Up In The Air
The World War I Diaries of Balloonist Cyril Gordon Jones

8 MON. Wet cold windy day. No ballooning. Visited No9 with Lecomber (MT Insptr) and inspected all M T vehicles.
9 TUES. Wet day, snow and rain.
Went to No 3 with Lecomber and inspected their M T which was very good. Had lunch there. Took him to Ypres after lunch. It was being shelled. A 5.9 landed about 100 yds from us, stayed there about ½ an hour and went off. Found fine piece of shell case. 17 men were killed in Square last night.
10 WED. Very cold day. Snow fell last night but melted today. Went to 15 and 2 and lunched at No2. Balloons up most of day.
At 3.40 pm No 2 was attacked and burnt by German aeroplane, an Albatross Scout. Saw the whole thing from our verandah. The clouds were low and the machine dived through them. It missed the balloon first attack, but returned and burnt it on second attack. Gavin and Whitlock were up and both made beautiful parachute descents. The whole thing was over in one minute. The aeroplane had a very comfortable time and easily got home, none of our machines being up.
11 THUR. Inflated No2 new Calcot balloon. Went down to No2 at 6am. Balloon ready for action by midday. Snowy day, no ascents. 168 tubes to inflate her.
12 FRI. Misty day, no 2’s balloon made ascent with Col and Highman.
13 SAT.
14 SUN. 2nd after Epiphany. Wet day. No ballooning