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Up In The Air
The World War I Diaries of Balloonist Cyril Gordon Jones

Windy day. No ballooning. In morning visited Sections.
5 FRI. Still day but rather misty. Balloons up most of day. Visited all sections and inspected tools and spares on vehicles. Curtis attended E O’s meeting here in morning.
6 SAT. Wet windy day and very cold. Heard M T Inspector was coming tomorrow. Feeling very ill with bad cold. Went to Hazebruck with Indents.
7 SUN. 1st after Epiphany. Fine day, but rather hazy. Balloons up in afternoon. Capt Lecomber, M T Inspector came along and started inspection of Transport.
Went to No2 and 5 in afternoon. Had tea at No2. Saw one of our aeroplanes attacked by a Hun and set on fire. It burnt all the way down, but landed safely.
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