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Up In The Air
The World War I Diaries of Balloonist Cyril Gordon Jones

10th October 1917
Cold dull day. No view.
Sergt from 1AD came and adjusted carburettor of No 25 Section’s Winch Chassis (SN 518) and fitted new jet. The Lancia engine then ran very well.
Lunched at 5th Coy.
11th October 1917
Windy morning, fine in afternoon. Balloons up and work done.
Bad tooth ache. Went to Mont des Cats and Cullen removed nerve.
Picked up Jolley in Bailleul and took him to 11th Coy.
Visited No 9 Section.
12th October 1917
Windy wet morning up to 7am, when it cleared and balloons were up at 9am. 36 targets done in the morning.
Zero hour at 5.25 am. Got up but it was raining hard and blowing.
Fairly successful show but it had to be abandoned owing to rain and mist, which came on at about 1pm.
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