Up In The Air
The World War I Diaries of Balloonist Cyril Gordon Jones

4th Oct 1917
shell fire that morning.
Called at No 15 and found everything correct. No ballooning all day.
Very successful battle. Over 3000 prisoners.
BMS17 (No 47) damaged by shell fire.
5th October 1917
Windy cloudy day. Fair visibility at times. Balloons up in afternoon and work done.
Visited No 47 and examined BMS 176. Large hole in balloonet which made it unserviceable. Reserve balloon FM 122 inflated with gas from BMS 176 and 50 full tubes.
Went to 25 Sectn and inspected their winch Chassis Engine, which was having carburettor trouble. Lunched at No 9 Sectn.
6th October 1917
Windy day, squalls of rain.
No 9 Section were shelled in the night and direct hit obtained on Officers Dug out, killing Lt Steward and 2/Lt Knight and wounding Lt Oliver. Lt Griffiths was badly shaken and given leave from tomorrow.
Attended Stewards and Knights funeral.