Up In The Air
The World War I Diaries of Balloonist Cyril Gordon Jones

SN 518 arrived and was collected by No 25 Sectn from No 1 AD.
Major Hewson Anti Aircraft GHQ stayed here the night. Hewlett came here for a few days.
20th July 1917
Hot muggy day, hazy and low clouds. No view in morning. Orders received to fit new metal cable valve line.
Scammell Winch No SN 511 arrived from 2AD for No 9 Sectn. Scammell Winch No SN 522 arrived from 1 AD for No 15 Sectn. No ballooning.
Howletts band played here in the evening.
21st July 1917
Fine still day. No view in morning. Balloons up in evening.
No 32’s balloon was shelled in the air and several holes made in it. These holes were not discovered till the next morning as it was dark when they hauled down. No 15 was shelled in the air, but not hit.
Dined at 11th Coy. Metal cable valve lines were fitted to one balloon per Co.