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Up In The Air
The World War I Diaries of Balloonist Cyril Gordon Jones

17 July contd
the two pairs of 6X Binoculars, returned here as unserviceable, were damaged when balloon was burnt on 16th July.
No 15 BMS 132 was shelled in the air by 24cm gun, and hit. Holes were repaired.
18th July 1917
Dull cold day. No ballooning.
Went to 11th Coy and had yarn with Wright about balloons generally.
Visited No 32 and talked to Sergt Low about balloon repairs etc. Dined at 2nd Wing with the Col.
19th July 1917
Windy day and low clouds No ballooning.
Went to 6th Coy in morning and stayed there to lunch. Visited No 9 and inspected transport, new balloon bed etc with Nicholson who was staying there for a few days. Scammell Winch No
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