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30 Apl 1917

Very fine warm day. No view till evening.

Harding and Havers from No 1 AD came over and tested Winches HS3 and J2 on charge of No 39, 38 Sections. Both winches worked splendidly. Tension about 120 kilos. Hauled down on top speed at about 400ft a minute.

Gave Harding unserviceable Water pump from No2’s winch. BMS 59 inflated with air and valve line alterations made, also a few patches put on inside.

Stringer came here with Colonel.


1 May 1917

Fine warm day. Balloons up from morning.

Went to No 39 and inspected their balloon BMS60 inside. Superintended alterations to valve line.

Whilst at No 39 I saw a very exciting scrap between 4 Huns and 6 Nieuport Scouts. Three of the Huns pushed off and one fought 4 of our Nieuports. The Hun machine put up a magnificent fight for about 10 minutes. He was brought down and landed in a pond quite close to me. He was shot just above the heart and one bullet hole through

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